‘Believe not all you hear, and tell not all you believe’.
The weather continues to dominate the Word for now. It’s hard to believe that there could be snow on the ground in 12 weeks time. I have no wish to tempt fate, so let me just say that it is hot and sunny, and a lot better than having snow on the ground.
We finished one complete rotation of team practices today. We shortened everything a little this afternoon so that those who wanted to jump in the lake could. And just about everyone did. It was hot and that was the way to cool down.
This evening we let the boys enjoy some free play. They’ve been working hard on the fields and courts today, so some free time was what they needed.
After canteen we went down to the fireplace in front of Sand Lake to enjoy some stories and cookies and a beautiful full moon. The older boys have now gone to watch the counselors play the Kawaga counselors in softball in St Germain under the lights, and for the rest of us it is time for some sleep. In fact, we are going to safely rest as all is well.
Goodnight everybody.
As ever… WOODY!