‘We don’t require that you succeed (necessarily); we only require that you try’. WOODY!
What a great first, full day of camp. The weather was more than kind to us, even if it was a chilly start. The sun shone all day and the wind barely registered. Not a great day for sailing or flying a kite, but the golf course was a real pleasure. Yes folks, we have a golf course here, with new greens to putt on this year. Talking of new things, we also have new Tramp Ball courts! What a blast that is. I couldn’t resist a bounce or two this morning, and boy are they fun.
The photographer came by at 10am to get the cabin pictures and portraits done. After that it was cabin activities (find a campsite) before we all went down to Sand Lake to hear our legendary waterfront director, Dennis ‘Koz’ Kosloski explain the do’s and don’ts of the waterfront. We had more instruction after dinner about the Tramp Ball courts and after shower and dip at 8pm, the Canteen procedure was explained to everyone. There’s a lot to do and explain in the first few days, and all of it very necessary if we are to have safe summer. Having fun in a safe environment is a priority, as indeed it would be at any camp. Reputations depend on it and our reputation will stand alongside the best of them.
After the boys had had their ‘cold one or sweet one’ it was time to gather in Wasserman Hall for Song and Cheer night. This has become a traditional first-night campfire as it is important that everyone – campers and counselors alike – are familiar with the songs and cheers that many generations of campers before us have made popular and memorable.
As a treat after we sang Taps we let the boys watch some of the NBA finals. What with that and the NHL finals, there sure is a lot of sport to watch – as well as play – this summer. And it won’t be long before Le Tour gets underway.
It’s going to be another cool and perfect night for sleeping. And that’s where I’m headed right now, so please know that all is well folks as our first full day joins the history books, so safely rest.
Goodnight everybody.
As ever…WOODY!