Teaching our core values to the boys is the most important thing we do at camp. Our guidance, however, is meaningless if we don’t lead by example. Each year we try to show our campers what it means to be positive members of the community. At camp, this includes supporting those around us that are not as fortunate as we are. This is why we are involved with two great non-profit organizations that work hard to send kids to camp that otherwise could not attend. The Nate Wasserman Camp Fund and Camp for All Kids have helped hundreds of boys share in the joys of camp over the years, and given the campers the chance to learn and grow in our amazing setting. These programs compliment each other in the best way. The Nate Wass fund partners with local families, while CFAK works with charter schools in underserved communities. Read more about these impactful groups below, how to support them as well as our financial assistance programs.
Nate Wasserman Camp Fund
Named for Menominee’s founder, the Nate Wasserman Camp Fund has been supporting families in our community for decades. Through the strong support of camp alumni, families and friends, the NWCF helps send campers in our community each year who would otherwise not be able to afford it. One of Nate’s goals when we started Menominee in 1928 was to have a significant impact on the lives of children, and that spirit lives and thrives today through the Fund.
Camp for All Kids promotes and facilitates racial diversity by sending kids from under-served communities to overnight summer camp. Camp for All Kids partners with schools that help select kids who have already succeeded at school and will thrive at camp. Families tell us that this experience has opened doors and provided learning opportunities that didn’t previously exist. Our campers currently come from elementary and middle schools in St. Louis, Chicago and Cleveland. Recipients may continue to receive an annual campership if they continue to meet their school’s academic and citizenship standards.