Politics was at the heart of the campfire this evening as the Woody party and the Koz party went head to head in a debate to see which of them would be running camp tomorrow. This is called camper/counselor switch day and that is exactly what we do, switch the roles around (within reason). For example; two senior cabin members will become Steve and myself and they will make announcements and formulate a schedule. They will sit at the staff table and effectively run camp (with close supervision). Likewise, the counselors will become campers for the day. It’s a lot of fun and it’s something the boys always look forward to. But that’s tomorrow.
Our second Tuesday of the summer went swimmingly (pun intended) as so many boys jumped in the lake this afternoon after the sun burnt away the few remaining storm clouds.
The CITs returned to the Friendly Confines on time and in good spirits from their trek to the Dells, and
we got all our laundry back from Eagle River
It will be interesting to see what the Senior cabin have in store for us tomorrow. They have promised a lot in their respective manifestos. Now, like all good politicians they have to deliver.
It’s all good and all is well, so safely rest.
Goodnight everybody.
As ever…WOODY!