‘It is always best, on these occasions, to do what the mob do. “But suppose there are two mobs”, suggested Mr Snodgrass. “Then shout with the largest”, replied Mr Pickwick.’ Charles Dickens.
It’s all over for the first session. We went late as the Senior TLL game was still going at 9pm! The light was fading fast and the mercury was sliding down the tube when the last run was batted in and the game was won. We had played softball all day prior to this, in between the showers. Both Junior and Senior championships were as intense as anything I’ve ever seen.
After a brief meeting and awards in Wasserman Hall – it was too wet for a real fire at the waterfront – we blew taps at 10 and the first session was over. I’ve just taken a walk around the cabin area and things are quietening down now. We’re up at 7 to get the big day of leaving and changing cabins going.
I’d like to take this opportunity to thank all you parents out there who lent us your boys for the past few weeks. They have been great! Without them, we have no camp; without you allowing them to come, we have no camp. They are what helps make camp such a wonderful place. I’d like to think that they will return home tomorrow full of tall tales and long-lasting memories. They have grown and matured, listened and learnt and will, I hope, be all the better for the experience.
So far so good. We’re almost halfway through the summer and all is well, so safely rest.
Goodnight everybody.
As ever…WOODY!