July 17, 2019 – Big Social Night

Posted: July 17 2019

Camp Cast

What a day at camp! A day like today needs twice the star power for an appropriate recap, so I call upon not one, but TWO Shefrens to help me. Cooper and Brody come on the pod to talk about Big Ten Instructional activities, MCAA league action and our first social of the summer: a massive Carnival with Camp Agawak!

Woody’s Word

‘If I succeed in business, but fail at being a good parent, a good partner, a good role model and good leader, then it will all have been for nothing’.

The ladies from Camp Agawak have just left us after a great night of socializing. We had a carnival theme, where every cabin made a game or a booth, like at the fairground or the carnival. The boys were really creative and everyone had a great time. I don’t think we have ever had quite so many girls here at any one time, from just one camp. What a turnout!

Before this evening, it had been a very normal day here, with two rounds of Big Ten and two rounds of MCAA league action. And it’s still hot and muggy. And the lake is beautiful. And the grass is still green (for the most part). And everyone is happy, and all is well, so safely rest.

Goodnight Everybody

As ever…WOODY!

Podcast, Woody's Word,