‘Don’t cry because it’s all over: rejoice that it ever happened at all.’
It is the last night and we came out of our all-camp pizza party a little before 10.00. It has been a long day of softball as Twilight League was wrapped up for the first session. Those who are leaving tomorrow are packed up and fast asleep by now. I have a thousand phones on charge here in the lodge – how did we ever manage before the advent of the cell phone, and it’s all good on this rather cool evening in the North Woods.
We are up again at 7.00 tomorrow, so I must keep this brief. Jason and all of us here at CM want to thank all of you out there for supporting us this summer. You support us by sending your boys here. Whether it is for four weeks or eight, first session or second session, we simply could not do this without your trust and your continued support. Please keep sending your son to camp, and please keep spreading the good word that is the Friendly Confines of Camp Menominee.
If you are visiting tomorrow, then we shall see you at 3pm. Indeed, we look forward to seeing you all at some point over the weekend.
It has been a great first session, with more great stuff still to come. All really is well, so everyone of us can safely rest.
Goodnight everybody.
As ever…WOODY!