Normal service resumed

Posted: July 15 2014

‘A gentleman ought to travel abroad, but dwell at home’. Thomas Fuller

And here we are at our home from home in the North woods. Normal service has indeed been resumed as the clouds are breaking up and the temperature begins to climb. After two days of ‘the summer of ’92’ (remember that?) it looks like summer is making a return.
We did everything we planned today, and right now the boys are watching the All-Star game here in the lodge. We’ve got a log fire burning in the living room, evoking memories of Charlie Comiskey back in the day when this was his own home from home.
We started our MCAA leagues this afternoon after a morning spent learning the activities and sports we play in our instructional Final Four. We are big into competitive sport here at CM, believing – as we do – that competition is both healthy and necessary and can be applied to many aspects of life. Learning how to win with good grace and lose with magnanimity are very useful things to learn given that all of us, at some point in our lives will experience both.
We’ve got more of the same tomorrow and a surprise in store. Come rain or shine, come hot or cold, all is well, so safely rest.
Goodnight everybody.
As ever…WOODY!

Woody's Word,