‘A wise old owl sat up in an oak, the more he heard the less he spoke: the less he spoke the more he heard, how I wish we could be like that wise old bird.’
46-19!!! Let me say that again; 46-19!! What a margin of victory, and what a well-earned victory it was. The wins were coming from every age group in every sport. Football – not something we usually excel in – was especially dominant this year. Softball was almost another sweep. How about this for a stat’: 13C were down 14-0 after the first inning. Some teams might have thrown in the towel at that point, but not CM. They rallied and pulled it back to 14-13 before eventually succumbing 15-13. But what a comeback that was. We saw the same sort of spirit all over the place. We were just that much better everywhere. Even wrestling last night was close as we entered the final match just 4 points down, only to lose in a dramatic finale. Your boys were great! They played hard and fair; they hustled, they listened to their respective coaches and they fought for victory the Menominee Way. It’s a wonderful feeling to win the right way, having played hard and given your all. It makes all that effort worthwhile.
So where do we go from here? Next year we will be looking for a hat-trick of wins. A three-peat! Maybe 50 victories this time. That will require as much effort – if not more. It might require more boys to jump on board. But we’re on a roll, so come and join us.
By the time we got back to camp it was almost 8.15. Dinner had been put on hold, and it had to wait still further as we ‘laked’ it. What a terrific feeling to be running down the hill as one and jumping in the lake. We danced – as best as one can when waist-deep in water – and sang and splashed, and made sure everyone came in. The kitchen staff were not exempt as they joined us, too. This was a team effort, so we celebrated as a team. Jason was in, I was in, indeed, almost all the admin’ were in the lake, and it’s not often you see that. That meant that we eventually got into dinner at 9.15!! That might have been the latest dinner we’ve ever had. But it was well worth the wait. It was so late when we finally finished in the mess hall, that we sang Taps there and went straight to bed. There simply wasn’t time for anything else, not that anyone had much energy for anything else. The Juniors looked pretty beat, although I’m sure they will be up early again tomorrow. It is for that reason that we will enjoy a lie-in tomorrow morning and a later breakfast at 9.30.
What a great day it has been. This is just part of what we do here at camp, and while it is a big part, it is not the only thing we do. We still have Green and White to come, and that is our big colour war. So much more to do and we are running out of time.
It surely goes without saying that, in light of the day’s events, all is well, so safely rest on this most memorable of evenings.
Goodnight everybody.
As ever…WOODY!