‘Discovery consists of seeing what everybody has seen and thinking what nobody has thought’. ALBERT SZENT-GYSRGYI
Welcome back folks. Please forgive my absence last night. I spent the night on the North Shore as I came down to pick up my youngest daughter who just flew in from London town. I drove down yesterday and drove back up here today. I rediscovered what air-conditioning is like last night. It’s cold, but also very pleasant to sleep in.
Life goes on at camp. We are already four days in as the time continues to fly by. The waterfront is by far and away the most popular venue at the moment. As much as the boys might want to play on the new trampball courts, or walk the golf course, or climb the wall, it’s just so hot that the only sensible place to be is in or on the lake.
Even as I write this the temperature remains in the high 70s. We let the boys go to bed a bit earlier tonight. They are tired after a busy day. The Senior cabin and the CITs are in town doing their thing (a movie and DQ I think) and all is well. so safely rest.
Goodnight everybody.
As ever…WOODY!