Woody’s Word, 5th August 2024

Posted: August 5 2024

“When all else fails, try something else.”

I’ve just come into the office from the Sing. The Greens won, so it all comes down to the Relay tomorrow. There was very little to separate them tonight, but it was the Green organisation that won it for them, because the singing was great from both teams. This is one of those events that few of the boys like to practice for, but none of them like to lose. That is a strange position to find yourself in. Without practice it is more than likely that you will lose – in whatever you do in life – so it as well to embrace the practice, learn to enjoy it then maybe win whatever it is your practising for. This is a good lesson to learn.

A large chunk of the morning was given over to Relay prep’ and assignments. There are 55 ‘events’ spread over nearly three hours, so it takes some preparing for. But the Relay will now decide everything.

Whether Green or White, win or lose, all is well, so safely rest.

Goodnight everybody.

As ever…WOODY!


Woody's Word,