‘A weekday edition of the New York Times contains more information than the average person was likely to come across in a lifetime in seventeenth-century England’. RICH WURMAN
Such is progress and such is the speed of time. Time actually never goes any faster (or slower) than it ever did; it just seems that way when you are having a great time. And boy did we have a great time today. We got back into British and American with British Bulldogs this morning and Land and Water events this afternoon. After that we had the whole camp take a dip in the lake as the mercury continued to rise. Yes, it was a hot one.
As I write this Word the boys are running around camp with flashlights playing Revere’s Ride, a new game for B & A. It should be finished in 10 minutes at which point we will gather on the near basketball court and sing Taps together. I’ll give you a results update tomorrow.
For now, please know that all is well – as it has been for the past three weeks – so now you can safely rest on this fine July Saturday evening.
Goodnight everybody.
As ever…WOODY!