Woody’s Word, Wednesday 7th July 2021
Two aunts were watching their four year old niece sitting in front of the television. “What a shame she isn’t very P-R-E-T-T-Y”, said one of them. And the four year old turned round and said, “but it doesn’t matter as long as I’m C-L-E-V-E-R”.
Never underestimate the childish mind and manner. I’m sure many an adult has fallen foul of that rule before. The boys at camp are certainly keeping us on our toes as we race through week three of the first session.
We managed to get the trips out this afternoon, although not until the rain had stopped this morning. That’s right folks, the rain endured throughout the night, and the temps dropped down to the low fifties. What a far cry from the weekend when we were baking in nearly 90 degrees of sun and humidity. The canoers and campers are round the corner in the Sugar Camp Creek tonight, while the remaining Senior division are over in St Germain playing softball under the lights. That just leaves the Juniors here in camp. Much to their delight, we had them play Junior Twilight League on the Bob Bender Senior Diamond earlier this evening, and now they are sitting in the lodge watching a movie. Oh to be a junior camper again.
So camp is in that mid-session mode right now where everything is happening as it should and everyone is comfortable with where they are at. We are going to have a Lazy Day style Thursday tomorrow, with a lie-in and a brunch, and a secret trip surprise for the 14 year olds. The Juniors will (hopefully) canoe, and all will be right with the world. It always amazes me where the time goes at camp. Blink and you’ll miss something. I’m not sure if I mentioned that the British won the overall B & A competition, as they triumphed in Revere’s Ride. It was evenly matched, but the better team won in the end. And England beat Denmark today in the European Championships. We must have had 50 boys in the lodge watching that game this afternoon. Soccer is obviously very popular. Roll on Sunday and the final against Italy.
Time for sleep. And I can sleep easily knowing that all is well, so safely rest.
Goodnight everybody.
As ever…WOODY!