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Creative Arts & Media

Creativity Shines

Creative Arts & Media at CM

We do not allow personal tech devices at camp. However, we believe that arts and media play a key role in our camper growth. We have a great program that will allow our campers to explore their own creativity.

The CM Media Team: Campers can sign up for our media program during the summer. Our campers learn to shoot and edit video with our team. Our boys can hone their photo skills with our photographer. They can also choose to be a part of our daily podcast. In addition, a lot of the amazing content you see each day on our social media pages are the work of our creative campers! Of course, our boys will only work on our camp devices with no internet access.

Arts & Crafts: Camp’s arts and crafts program is quite extensive. Each day the campers come in to challenge themselves with different projects. This can range from painting and drawing to model rocketry and wood working. We also like to listen to the boys who have ideas for new projects. If a camper has a fun new idea, we will work to make it happen!

The Menominee Megaphone: This is our camp Newspaper. It is written everyday by our campers with the help of a staff member. The campers find stories, track down leads and give interviews. They are the ones who bring the Megaphone to life! Every day we print it out for the boys to read at camp, and we post it online for parents to read. Check out a typical edition to see all the awesome things our boys write about each day! At the end of the summer the boys will be given a book with all the megaphone articles from that year. It is the written record of the summer where the memories can be treasured and relived forever.

Music & Rock Band: We have some very talented campers and counselors each summer! We do a lot of things to show them off, but one of our favorites each year is our annual Rock Band Concert. Read more about it below.

Camp Menominee Rocks

Every session we organize a camp Rock Band. Throughout the summer, our counselors will meet with all of our campers interested in performing. They will practice individual and group acts to perform in front of the whole camp. The acts range from instrument solos, to boys performing for the first time that just wanted to give it a try. Last summer, of our awesome campers Miles wrote an original piece of music and performed for the whole camp. Check it out!

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