Woody’s Word 21st June 2023

Posted: June 21 2023

“We are drowning in information and knowledge, while starving for wisdom”.

So what wisdom can I impart tonight, I wonder. I’m not sure what wisdom I have, but I can tell you what we’ve been up to on our second full day. First of all, it’s been a hot one. This meant that we shortened things up a bit, so that the boys could get a decent amount of time in Sand Lake. It’s hard to imagine that just seven weeks ago there was ice on the lake. But not anymore! Today there were boys in boats on the lake: boys in canoes on the lake: boys in kayaks on the lake, and boys in the lake. It really was a hot one.

But before all that, we continued with our Big Ten instructional programme this morning, and our King of the Camp leagues this afternoon. Our day is consumed with playing sports and running around, so it was nice to be able to slow it down a bit after dinner as we headed to the soccer pitch for some Soccer Celebrations. The idea was for each cabin to score a goal in a virtual empty net, and then come up with a creative and original celebration of that goal. We normally do our skit nights in Wasserman Hall, so it was good to get outside to do this particular skit night on a real-life soccer ‘pitch’.

That took us up to shower and dip (‘you gotta be clean if you want Canteen’), and boy did we need that shower and dip as it became ever more close and humid. Canteen is that time of night – right around 8.00 – where the boys and staff gather around the ‘only red and white building in camp’ for a ‘cold one or a sweet one’ (a candy bar – or some such – or a soda). They cannot have this at any other time of the day, but it is something they can have at Canteen if they so desire (they don’t have to). There is fruit or bagels or flavoured water available, too, or just some cool, crisp Gene’s Canteen water. There’s something for everyone.

We lowered the flag at 8.45, and then played Let’s Make a Deal in Wasserman Hall. This is a camp favourite, especially amongst the younger boys. Taps blew exactly one hour later, and all is well, so safely rest.

Goodnight everybody.

As ever….WOODY!

Woody's Word,