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Ski, Swim, Sail, Surf…(and Tube)

Waterfront at CM

Camp sits on the shores of beautiful Sand Lake. This 600 acre body of water is the perfect home for our activities. Our campers can sign up for instructional water sports. They can also come down to the waterfront every day to play on our trampoline, blob and waterslide. The lake one of the four connected lakes on our chain. This means our boys can canoe and boat to other lakes and explore the area. Sand Lake is the backdrop for the most beautiful of the Wisconsin lake camps.

It is so important at Wisconsin waterfront camps to have the right staff to keep the boys safe. All of our waterfront staff are Red Cross certified lifeguards. Our boat drivers have their license to drive in Wisconsin. We even bring in outside instructors to train our drivers on how to better teach skiing. When our campers come down to the waterfront, they are not only supervised by professionals, but they learn from the best.

How often can our campers be at our waterfront? Every day!

Everyone Can Learn to Ski

Water skiing at Camp Menominee is a dream. It is one of the more popular activities at camp. We have a very quiet lake so skiers have safe and open runs all day. Camp operates 4 high quality ski boats so campers have the chance to ski every day. Camp has a skill based curriculum to help the boys learn on two skis and grow from there. Many of our campers advance to one ski and some even barefoot! Waterskiing, tubing and all of our lake activities are offered all day.

Skiing is the perfect thing to learn at camp. During the summer of 2019, over 50 campers put waterskiing on their list of goals for the summer. At the end of the year, over 50 campers got up on skis for the first time!

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