‘Home is the place you feel safe, comfortable and happy. Home can be wherever you want it to be, just so long as you can call it home’.
All the boys are back home this evening. The trips were a roaring success as we found out in Wasserman Hall tonight with our campfire, Trip Talk. This is an opportunity for the boys to come up on stage and tell the group about their experiences; the funny bits, the crazy bits, the memorable bits, and they had lots to tell us. From whale noises in the Sugar Camp Creek to finding out the beds were not big enough in the Dells, to meeting school friends – by sheer coincidence – in the Mall of America. Great stories; memorable moments.
So now we can get back to normal camp routine once again. We will jump straight back into it tomorrow as we still have a whole lot of camping to do.
Time might be running out, but the opportunities continue to present themselves. And we do not want to waste any opportunity.
All is well, folks, so safely rest.
Goodnight everybody.
As ever…WOODY!