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Rookie Camp Sessions

Rookie I: June 21-July 2, Rookie II: July 18-July 31


What can first-year campers expect at Menominee? The boys will be in smaller cabins. Each cabin will have 6-8 campers and 2-3 counselors. Every first year camper and family will be assigned to a Youth Development Director. These child development experts will check in with the boys during the week. They will also talk to parents at least once a week while the camper is at camp. We also know that boys write bad letters home. It is also much harder to be a first-year parent then it is to be a first-year camper. So we will make sure to let the parents know about all his activities, cabin mates, counselors and other important information. This will happen within the first 48 hours of the camper arriving. 

Prior to camp, parents will fill out a full camper profile. We will do our best to learn as much as we can about each camper. We will match the camper up with counselors and cabin mates that match his personality and interests. Well before camp starts, families will be given a full list of our activities offered and when they are offered throughout the day. This way each family can make a plan for their camper’s schedule. All boys will officially sign up for activities on the first day of camp. 

The first day of camp is exciting! The boys will sign up for instructional activities and leagues. They will set goals for the summer and take a tour of camp. They will also get introduced to their cabin mates. That evening, we will have an opening campfire. The boys will be introduced to key staff, we’ll talk about what is to come for the summer, and we will have an opening key log ceremony. Then each cabin will break out into groups, go over the camp rules, and put together a cabin contract. This will contain expectations and agreements and will be unique to every cabin.

What can you expect from our counselors at camp? We have very high standards for a staff member. We look for men and women who have a passion for youth work. The former campers have spirit and love for camp. The coaches help the boys develop skills. Staff from around the world give the boys a different perspective. Parents trust us to coach, mentor and care for the boys. 

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