Woody’s Word, 18th June 2024

Posted: June 18 2024

“No-one can make you feel inferior without your consent.”

Our first full day of camp, and what a hot one it was. Hot AND windy to be precise. The waves on the lake were tipped with white froth, and there was little chance of any skiing, despite the fact that it was so hot and humid. The lake was the place to be today. We battled on, though, and the boys just swam and windsurfed instead.

This morning we got into the Big Ten, our instructional program where the boys learn how to play the sports they are going to play in competition, both in intra-camp and inter-camp competition. As well as honing their skills, they are also taught how to play the Menominee way, to play to the whistle, to play hard but fair, to show good sportsmanship, and to respect their teammates and the opposition, and to play to the end, no matter what. This set them up well for our King of the Camp competition this afternoon. The Kinghts, the Dragons, the Phoenix and the Thunderbirds will do battle over the next three weeks to see who will be King of the Camp.

After all that activity and competition, it was a surprise to everyone when we started Twilight League after dinner. As if we hadn’t played enough! But if the boys want to play, we’d better let them, and they wanted to play, so we let them! By 7pm, we had six games of softball taking place, from right here in the cabin area, to far away on what has become known as Ingram’s Pitch (or St Germain for the CM purist). Those games went long, which was ok. The boys took great delight in a late evening dip (or shower) before Canteen, because being clean before Canteen is a requirement.

Canteen is the only time of the day when the boys can get a ‘cold one or a sweet one’. It’s a great time to gather on the Canteen picnic tables and catch up with old friends while having the opportunity to make new ones. For what is a stranger? Simply a friend you’ve not met yet.

I blew Taps at 9.50, while all was well, so safely rest.

Goodnight everybody.

As ever…WOODY!

Woody's Word,