Woody’s Word 1st July 2024

Posted: July 1 2024

“It isn’t how much time you spend somewhere that makes it memorable; it’s how you spend that time that really matters.”

I’m back at the computer after a two-night absence. I was down in Chicago taking the two-week Rookies home, and then picking some boys up from O’Hare and the ‘burbs, before heading back up yesterday afternoon. Boy was it hot in Chicago. 89 degrees!! It’ sooo much cooler and fresher up here. Can I take this opportunity to thank the Rookie parents for letting us look after your boys for the first part of the summer. Any parent who entrusts a camp with their most treasured possession – their child – is putting the utmost trust in the leaders of that camp and all those who work there. We feel honoured that you chose this camp over all the others for their camp experience this summer. The boys that I drove down to Chicago appeared to have had a great time, and they were, by any measure, the best behaved group of boys I have ever had the privilege of driving anywhere. It really was a pleasure.

Today was the start of trip week. Right now we only have six younger cabins in camp. Everyone else is out on their motor trip or canoe trip. We have a group at the Dells (big shout-out to Oskar), a group at white water rafting in the east of the state, a group at Mackinac Island, Michigan, and the canoers just around the corner in the Sugar Camp Creek. The Juniors and some Intermediates did go to the zoo today, and tomorrow they are off to Copper Falls to spend the night. Everyone will be back at camp by Wednesday night whereupon normal service will resume.

History was made at the Tour de France today, and I’m sure our boys are doing their best to make their own history, wherever they are. All the group leaders have checked in by phone, and I’m being told that all is well, so safely rest.

Goodnight Everybody

As ever…WOODY!


Woody's Word,