Woody’s Word 26th July 2023

Posted: July 26 2023

“Comedy is simply a funny way of being serious.”

Practice is over, the teams have been picked, the courts and fields are ready, so there is not much more to do beyond getting up tomorrow and doing it. Easy, eh?

We sat round the camp fire at Sand Lake this evening to share our own stories of determination and pluck. We talked about the great wrestling meet of 2005,  and the extra- inning-winning run in last year’s 16A game. We talked about what it is like to win and how it feels when you lose. Even the Tour de France got a mention as we sought to wring every last bit of inspiration out of every story we told. But, no matter how much talking we do now, the final result of the competition is firmly in the hands of the players (the campers) and what they do on the field(s) of play. A coach can only do so much. Collectively we will do our best, of course. The weather looks set to be good, if a little hot, but we will have to take whatever Mother Nature throws our way.

We’ve just blown Taps, so I fully expect these boys – especially the Juniors – to be sound asleep by 10pm. A good night’s sleep is what we all need right now, and if we get that, then all will be well, so safely rest.

Goodnight everybody

As ever….WOODY!

Woody's Word,