Woody’s Word, 27th June 2024

Posted: June 27 2024

“A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out.” Walter Winchell

The Sun shone and the Wind blew today. A great combination for a great competition. That’s right folks, Sun and Wind took center stage all day. We started off with Runners and Chasers, a really fun game for everyone, athletic or not. When the game is explained in Wasserman Hall, it sounds incredibly complicated. Even with a demo’ of how to ‘dodge and weave’, it does not appear that much clearer until everyone is out on the athletic field, and then it all makes sense. It obviously helps if you have played it before, as there is definitely an art to its execution, but, if you’re paying attention to what the seasoned players are doing, then you ought to catch on pretty quickly. The Wind team did seem to grasp it better than their opponents, and so victory went to them in the second event of Sun and Wind 2024. They had already taken Midnight Manhunt last night, so they went into lunch with a 2-0 advantage. This, however, was washed away this afternoon after we had completed the Pursuit Relay and Circle Dodgeball. The Sun took both events so tied it all up at two a piece. The comeback was complete this evening after they won Creatively Acquire the Energy Source, 2-0, so taking a 3-2 lead overall. There will be a lull in Sun and Wind tomorrow as everything will stop for competition day versus Camp Timberlane. Yes, our first inter-camp competition. ‘Timberlane rain’ is what the saying says, and the weather forecast does not look like it will disappoint. We’ve got some ‘stuff’ coming in from the west that’s due to arrive at the Friendly Confines around 3am. Mother Nature is not done with us yet! Haha. This might be the very definition of English weather, the very stuff I love to get away from every summer.

Movie Skit Night (aka Imitation Night by any other name, haha) has just finished, and Taps will be ‘blown’ within the next ten minutes, and the boys will be asleep by 10 (the Juniors at least). I’m pretty sure I won’t be far behind them.

Everyone is here and happy, and all is well, so safely rest.

Goodnight everybody.

As ever…WOODY!

Woody's Word,