Back On-Line

Posted: July 10 2016

‘The internet can open so many doors, while simultaneously closing so many others. Is that the price of progress?’

I’m back on-line folks, after a night in the wilderness. Was it the internet influenza, or the gigabyte gremlins? Maybe just the unpredictable computer creature. Whatever it was I’m glad it has gone so that I can tell you about the last two days.

All the trips came back on time and in one piece. It sounds as if the boys had a great time judging by the stories that were told at What Made My Trip, our campfire for the evening.  Cabins 10, 12 and 13 finished their canoe trip by travelling out to the Bridge at what would have been the end of the canoeing. They were meant to spend the night there too, but the weather put paid to that. The Bridge was where they jumped off into the river, an old tradition that goes someway to celebrating the end of the paddling and the official end of the trip. The Junior cabins went off to Bond Falls for a day trip today. So now, tonight, the whole camp is back together, and we are back to normal.

The counselors are over at Camp Kawaga this evening playing basketball. The Senior age group have gone over to watch them, while everyone else stayed here for the Spelling Bee. As I write this, the wonders of modern technology mean that I can tell you that our guys are up in that game over there at the moment.

Tomorrow is Lazy Day and Town Day, so it will be a long day.

The weather is back on board and 4 of the 8 stages of the Tour de France, thus far, have been won by the Brits. All, therefore, is well, so safely rest.

Goodnight everybody.

As ever…WOODY!

Woody's Word,