Beautiful Thursday at Camp

Posted: June 26 2014

‘Sleep is better than medicine’ Proverb.

This day could not have been more different to yesterday. The sun shone all day and the boys could not have got enough of the waterfront. These are classic summer-camp days. Indeed, they are part of the reason we come to camp in the first place.
We have just completed what might well be our last real, regular day of this session. The Collegiate Showdown, our afternoon competition, which came to a close at 5pm today, will be resurrected in the second session in a couple of weeks. Twilight League continues of course, but with trips and British and American to look forward to next week, I doubt whether one day will be the same as the next for a quite a while. And that’s a good thing. We like to mix it up and do different things.
I’m writing this as Koz – our waterfront director of over 40 years – is putting on his musical show around the fire down at Sand Lake. It’s a beautiful night to be sitting outside enjoying some classic campfire moments. There is just enough of a gentle breeze coming off the lake to cool us off as we get ready for bed. Oh, oh, I hear Taps being sung, so that’s another day in the history books.
Tomorrow we have some inter-camp competition in the afternoon and the weather is meant to be even better than today.
Things are always well when it’s like this, so safely rest.
Goodnight everybody
As ever…WOODY!

Woody's Word,