Woody’s Word 12th July 2023

Posted: July 12 2023

“Anything can happen, but it usually doesn’t.”

More King of the Camp today, and more tonight. We’ve just taken the flag down, and now we’re off to play basketball in the GreenHouse. The GreenHouse is the name we have given to the new building (completed last year, and fitted out in pre-camp this year) that stands proudly at the end of Old Counsellors Road (OCR). It is our indoor facility that we actually haven’t used much at all yet. The weather has been good enough to play outside, so why go inside. There is a weight room and cardio area that people use, but the main arena is seeing its first real action of the summer tonight. And what a prospect we have in store this evening. Any of the four King of the Camp teams could win the goblet (trophy) tonight, although it is the Phoenix who are looking the strongest right now. But, as any great lover of sports knows, anything can happen on the day, so I am loath to predict anything going into this.

After dinner we began the Twilight League Championship games, and they will conclude tomorrow after a best of three series and one final game to determine a winner in each age group. Yes, it’s that time of the summer (end of first session) when we have to finish everything off and find some winners to award garlands and trophies to.

I will bring you results tomorrow, but right now I am going to wander over to the GreenHouse to watch some late-night basketball and join in the fun.

All will be well, no matter what happens in the next hour, so safely rest.

Goodnight everybody.

As ever…WOODY!

Woody's Word,