“One of the great lessons in life is to know that even fools are right sometimes.”
Our first full day of Green and White, and we have ended it with the White team ahead 2-1. Vroom, that ever-popular game of running through the woods, capturing flags and squirting people with coloured dye, went the way of the Green’s, albeit by a very narrow margin. That took all morning (and I mean all morning), so that left no time for anything else but lunch and then a rest period.
After lunch we headed out to the soccer field to Creatively Acquire the Energy Source. This is always a fun game to watch, and with a best out of three game series to play, there was plenty to watch. White’s won game one, before the Green team came back with a big victory in game two. It was all to play for in game three. But this time the White’s did not hang around. They made short work of things and came out on top to thus take a 2-1 lead in the competition.
We also got Sing practice underway during rest period. This is one of those things that the boys do reluctantly, yet they enjoy it immensely when they win The Sing. Each team will have to learn three Menominee songs, then perform them on stage next Monday. They will already be familiar with the songs, but now they have to polish up their delivery and presentation if they want to win The Sing. I love The Sing as it is so different to everything else we do here at camp. It is a classic, and has been around for many, many years, and it certainly gives those boys who like to perform on stage a chance to shine.
I’m writing this as the boys are in Wassermen Hall doing Song Night. They take a song of their choice and then rewrite the words to make it a song about Menominee/camp. From what I was just watching, rap seems to be the preferred ‘music’ to perform to. A sign of the times perhaps.
Tomorrow is camper/counsellor switch day, (no Green and White) the day when the campers take over the running of the place. It will – of course – be closely monitored by the admin’ and the counsellors, but it is the day when we become them, and they become us.
With a beautiful night for sleeping ahead of us (quiet, still, cool), I can assure that all is well, so safely rest.
Goodnight everybody.
As ever…WOODY!