Woody’s Word 2 August 2021

Posted: August 2 2021

“The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity”.

Good evening wider world. The lodge is empty as I write this, and that might be the reason why I can get a connection. So I’ll make the most of it.

I wanted to tell you about the sky and stars last night. It was one of those WOW moments when the world could do no wrong. On our walk back from The Way at around 10.15, we urged everyone to look up and gaze at the night sky. It was sooooo clear, and the stars were sooo bright. It really was one of those special moments that only a perfectly clear and dark night night can provide.

Before that special moment, we had spent the day in cabin activities (as is our wont on a Sunday) in the morning, and some Prime Time do-as-you-want type of stuff in the afternoon. Sunday is the one day of the week when we relax a bit and step out of our structured routine. As good as routine is – and we all love routine, even if we think we don’t – it’s sometimes nice to go off-piste a little.

Today we started practices for the Cross Camp Classic on Wednesday and Thursday. This is the 54 event Green and White sports fest’ in which everyone can play a part in winning for their team. Every game matters; every point matters; 16A softball (traditionally the granddaddy of them all), is worth as much as 11B Neucombe. It’s about everyone doing their best for their team while helping to bring them overall victory.

We have a large group of mainly Junior campers in the woods at the Sugar Camp Creek tonight. We have a spot over there that we have nurtured and tended, a spot right by the river, a spot that is quiet and isolated, and yet less than 8 mins away in the car. At a push, they can even hear my two-way radio from the front office!

Horse Racing with the Senior cabin in the Mess Hall was what entertained us this evening. They totally ran the show, and even sang Taps at the end.

If the inmates are now running the show, then you know that all must be well, so safely rest.

Goodnight everybody.

As ever…WOODY!

Woody's Word,