Woody’s Word 23rd June 2023

Posted: June 23 2023

“There is a difference between hate speech and speech that you hate, and neither of them is an excuse to limit freedom of speech”.

Please forgive my tardiness for not posting last night. I have a love/hate relationship with computers and the ‘interweb’, and last night I just ran out of patience with it all. But a new day meant a new way, so here we are again. We have just got out of Wasserman Hall, our main recreation hall, dedicated to Alan and Elaine Wasserman, who once ran CM after Nate (Wasserman) our founder handed the reins over to Alan, his son, in the 1970s. Tonight was Song and Cheer Night, the night when we get properly loud and sweaty in there. There are two parts to the night: the first part is when we sing our camp songs, and the second part is when we learn some of the cheers. We invited the Senior Cabin on stage to lead us all, and they did not let us down. With their new Senior Cabin 2023 shirts on, they really took us to the next level. It really is one of the best, spontaneous ‘campfires’ that we do. Thanks to Naked Juice for their generous support of the event.

Earlier in the day we had some rain!! Yay! It’s hard to imagine that there was ice on the lake 7/8 weeks ago, and now, here we are in the mid 80s and praying for rain. It actually caught us a little unawares, as the percentage chance of rain today was pretty low, but it hit just after lunch while the boys were resting, so it came at a good time. For 15 minutes or so we got a good soaking, but just an hour after that, you would not have known that it had rained. Such are the vagaries of northern Wisconsin weather.

We got a lot of activities in today. King of the Camp leagues and some Big Ten pin testing. This is the opportunity to earn a pin (a small metal badge), bronze, silver or gold that reflects a boy’s ability in that particular activity or sport. They are highly prized and not easy to get, so if you get one, you know you have earned it.

We now head into the weekend, full of energy and ‘friendship’, and always looking forward to whatever we have planned tomorrow. Four full days in, and all is well, so safely rest.

Goodnight everybody.

As ever…WOODY!



Woody's Word,